About vikalp

Vikalp (translation – choices) is a tech-enabled coaching and mentorship program that brings guidance to the doorsteps of rural children and youth (10-24 y.o.).

Through Vikalp, a dedicated team of trained local coaches provides young people context-relevant and age-appropriate support in the form of accurate and timely information, exposure to opportunities, orientation to aspirations, and foundational skills.

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Program objectives

To empower rural youth in making well-informed decisions regarding their education, livelihoods, and future pathways.

To enable young people in understanding and effectively adapting to their evolving social and economic environment toward attaining gainful employment and building a productive future.

To build agency of young people in leading resolution of their community-level challenges and taking the development agenda forward.


We help young people in residential schools shape their academic and career paths. Our program encourages the exploration of various options and highlights the benefits of pursuing passion with enthusiasm and discipline. We empower them to identify opportunities aligned with their interests, enabling them to build their futures independently.

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Engagement model

Vikalp builds youth-owned engagement platforms and channels, relying on shared local resources and strengths, to enable long-term, sustainable change.

Learning Groups

Vikalp creates age- and stage of life- based Learning Groups at the village level. Each Learning Group consists of 5-15 members and is mentored by a locally-hired trainer – Learning Group Officer (LGO). The group meets twice a week in the village for Learning Group Meetings. During these meetings, facilitated by the LGO, members of the group share their dreams and aspirations, experiences, fears and concerns, gain information and exposure to relevant opportunities, and learn foundational skills. These Learning Groups are village-level youth-owned entities that serve as forums for young people to find and express themselves.

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Learning Groups

At the Gram Panchayat level, Vikalp program creates a cadre of youth called Vikalp Saathis. Members of this cadre are select young individuals from the community who are passionate about contributing toward the development of their communities. They support the implementation of the program in villages in their Gram Panchayats and obtain specialized training to mentor the Learning Groups in their communities.

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Vikalp Saathis

At the Gram Panchayat level, Vikalp program creates a cadre of youth called Vikalp Saathis. Members of this cadre are select young individuals from the community who are passionate about contributing toward the development of their communities. They support the implementation of the program in villages in their Gram Panchayats and obtain specialized training to mentor the Learning Groups in their communities.

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Key features

Vikalp’s design principles draw on expertise of local professionals and support of the community to fulfill the needs and nurture the aspirations of rural youth.

Competent local mentors

Trainers are adept in local language and aware of local customs and culture.

Youth-led & Community-owned

Regular consultations are done with the community to obtain feedback. Details of engagement are planned with youth.

Tailored to local context

Interactions emphasize discussion on local issues, production systems, challenges and opportunities.

Focus on parent-child engagement

Parents keep informed and engaged throughout the journey through periodic consultations and assessments.

Doorstep delivery

Program is accessed at the village level through Youth Learning Groups.

Blended learning

Pedagogical tools are both digital and physical building foundational digital and socio-emotional skills.

Value Proposition

Vikalp’s well-rounded activity framework enables rural youth’s access to accurate and relevant information, and builds their agency to act on the information and their ability to pursue pathways to a productive future for themselves and their communities.